Friday, July 30, 2010

Uncle Brian

Brian (my brother) was deployed yesterday to Afghanistan.  He will be there for about a year and we will be praying for his safety!  We'll also be praying for Aunt Megan, this is Brian's third time going over seas and it lasting a year or more.  I know how bored and lonely I get just when Josh is traveling for a week.  I don't know how she does it but we'll  be praying for her to stay strong and hoping that Brian gets lots of chances to email and talk on the phone!  Please include them in your prayers too.  We love you Brian and be safe!!!!!!!

Haha, I almost typed Brain in one of the photo's.  I must get that from my dad!!!!

O.k. I took this photo off his fb so thanks to whoever took it!


So now that summer is winding down Ry is going to start getting a little more on schedule.  We will start following more of a typical preschool day.  I haven't gotten everything really figured out but we started a little today.  The great thing about working at preschools is that I have tons of patterns and art ideas so that part will be easy, the getting everything organized will take some work.

Today Ry learned about frogs!  She made a picture of frogs sitting on a lily pad, we read a book about where they live, we watched a youtube video of frogs in a pond, listened to different noises frogs make, and then sang 5 Green and Speckled Frogs!  Ry loved it.  Here is her picture:


So we have had a busy month.  Haven & Jordan (sissy & bubba)  have been with us for the past few weeks so Rylee was in heaven.  We spent a long weekend in Pigeon Forge watching Haven finish up her world series tournament.  It was a lot of fun to watch even in the 100 degree heat.  I am amazed at how well those girls did.  The final day they had to play back to back games till they either won it all or lost.  You could tell by the third game that they were tired.  It was the middle of the day and the sun was just beating down.  They finished in fourth, I think the heat just finally wore them out.
Haven sliding into 3rd, followed shortly by her scoring a run

This girl can throw!!!  up to 55 mph!

Fun facts about Rylee!!!!
~  she now can say elephant in french
~  Twinkle Twinkle is still her favorite song
~  Yellow is her favorite color
~  she sings constantly while she is playing
~  she likes her bath with bubbles
~  she LOVES strawberry milk
~  She loves listening to Jim Gill and dancing

At the park in Jefferson City

Warrrrrrr Eagle



So it has been a while since I have gotten on here to write about Ry and I guess I  need to do one before she turns two!  Lots, lots, lots has been going on.  Haven & Jordan (sissy bubba) have been with us for the past few weeks so Rylee has been in heaven.