Friday, March 21, 2014

2013 Review

Sadly, I have not done the best job of posting pictures, or transferring the pictures from my camera onto my computer.  I found this out on Christmas morning, with a full memory card, and I am now in the process of moving over 2,015! pictures.  At least Josh knows that my camera (a previous gift) is getting used!  Yes I have been busy, but in the end I attribute being this behind to a general lack of discipline on my part.  Something I will try to change in the next coming year.  At least I'm not the only one though:

So here is our families 2013, in pictures

i love this picture, she was so nervous ;)

Ryder is happiest when he has full control of the hose so he can splash his sister.
Pure happiness 
Ryders farm themed 2nd Birthday
Getting ready to make a wish ----*~~

Ryder getting Farmer Small which is now one of his favorites

Rylee sleeping in her tent

I want to seriously kiss him right here
And then here comes trouble :)
I wish I knew what he was thinking here

Ryder's actual birthday
He woke up from nap early, so we sat out on the swing and shared oreos.  Best
birthday memory yet 
Our newest baby chicks, and one ready to jump.

I know typically when you have a farm, these 'weeds' are something you don't want.
For some reason though, I just think they are so pretty.

Our garden, full of helpful little worms 

Tennis Ball lettuce, so happy it is Spring again!

One day Ryder woke up from nap and....
We had cows :)
No caption needed :)

One of my favorite pictures

Baby cows, I cannot even believe that little thing is calf #3.
She is a BEAST now! 
Picking strawberries
Sun getting ready to set

Getting ready to go to the Auburn Banquet!
This boy is full of War Eagles!
Mama Bo & Rylee

The fam and Aubie

Kite Flying

Our yard is the perfect place to fly a kite
The kids pretending they could go to sleep together, yeah right

Rylee did this and after I looked at it I thought it was hilarious.  Baby Jesus is in the middle,
 surrounded by farm animals, and disney characters
The men folk looking at cattle
The things you will do for you kids

Josh's Fathers Day Card

Our crazy Houser

Our farm

We just asked Rylee what her favorite thing to do was, her answer was swimnming
in Mama Bo's pool!
Awesome moon one evening, I have my zoom lens on here
Science experiment with Rylee

4th of July craziness of course, what other day do you give kids under 5 fire and let them
run around with it 
I love how the girls are all crazy and Ryder's just in the back like yep what she said
Short story, I went out to check on the chickens after dinner.  Josh was watching TV on the couch
I came in & Ryder was helping himself to more dessert.  Recipe found here, they are a 'healthy' dessert that
I LOVE, but not as much as Ryder

Some of our tomatoes
Rylee and I about to make butter for the 1st time
Blender view
Final result, super yellow, super yummy butter :)  woohoo
Rylee's 5th Birthday
She is not at all excited

A dream is a wish your heart makes
Rylee & Grandma making cookies :)

One of our sunflowers
Rylee and one of our calves 
The Rylee I know
 Christmas I got a great cookbook full of great whole foods meals
She is so cool
Josh getting some Dr Bronners, Roo dressed up in his superhero stuff
Ry reading Madeline, decked out in full Brave gear

Sweet picture

And even more excited, rollerskates and a Bigesque piano woo hoo
And that about wraps up 2013