Sunday, March 17, 2013


Every warm day God has given us this winter we have spent outside playing, and enjoying.  Now the promise of plenty of warm days has finally arrived.  We couldn't be happier around here that we can finally call it spring time!  The past few weeks have been busy, but so happy.  We have started getting the garden ready for spring, placed our order for carrots, lettuces, radishes, chamomile, and snap peas.  We also bought some sunflowers, some just for decoration and some to grow out by the chickens.  They will greatly enjoy the seeds.  Rylee is so very excited to get the sunflowers planted.  I have also had some get-a-way time with the ladies from my MOPS group this past week.  It is always so refreshing to be around them, each of us so different, but everyone so strong in their faith.  It just always leaves me feeling more inspired.  What a blessing to know such great women and be able to call them friends.  Josh has been busy doing miscellaneous keep up things and got to shoot skeet a couple times since this nice weather has come, but mostly work, and more work.  We sure do appreciate that daddy works so hard so we can have so much together.  The kids have been busy riding on the 4 wheeler, digging in dirt, sliding, swinging, picnicing, exploring, getting all sorts of messy, and having a great time doing it all.  

Picnic!  Ryder looks so long in this picture, he is certainly growing up!

Rylee LOVES to have a picnic as you can see.

Houser getting in on the fun!

Chickens, dogs, children.  Ryder is hiding with his cookie.  He has learned
about begging dogs, and begging chickens.

My artist.


So happy

So beautiful

So dirty

So much in love with life!

And how can you not be with a cookie in hand!

This cute little face was waiting for me on my camera.  Dad and Ryder had
a boys pizza night while Rylee & I were  at her gymnastics class.  

Happy Spring!

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