Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring time :)

Finally made myself load pictures.  I really  need to do that more often, so much easier to go through and edit 50 compared to 700.  It has been super nice out, in the 80's which is great.  I am really hoping we get to experience some spring though and it stays in the low 70's for a little bit.  I mean, it's only March.  I'm not sure if I want a 7 month summer experience.  I'm a big fan of seasons and would like to have some spring before we move into summer. These are just various pictures some of them are probably about 2 months old, some are new.  I have not added Rylee's gymnastics pictures yet.
 Rylee is doing super.  She just had her gymnastics jamboree this past Saturday and she was so excited about it.  This was Josh's first time coming along to gymnastics with us so I think she was really happy about him coming along.  She did such a great job.  She is quite the little performer.  It's funny because when I see her in situations like that, ones that I have no control over and I'm not right next to her I tend to worry and get nervous for her.  But she just shines every time.   It's like I get to see a whole different side of her personality.  I swear at one point she use to be shy but she is no longer that at all.  She is so outgoing and comfortable and confident and it just makes me feel so proud of her but also kinda sad because I realize that she is getting older.  Anywho, she did great and I got some video of her and will put that up shortly with some pictures.
Ryder is also doing wonderfully.  He has really started developing so many skills recently.  You can just see him really beginning to understand that he can interact with everything now and he just explores, explores, explores.  His favorite thing to do is sing and it is really one of the sweetest things ever.  He has his little piano and xylophone and he will just sit there forever *over 5 minutes which is great in baby time* and just bang on them and sing along.  He does it constantly, if you start clapping a beat he will usually start singing or when Josh plays guitar he just crawls up to him and starts singing.  I LOVE it!  Though Rylee spends her whole day singing and making up songs so I guess he got it from her but every time I catch him doing it I just want to sit there and watch.

This is her please don't make me stand here so you can take a picture face

But this is the cuteness that is Rylee that makes me HAVE to take a picture

Spring is coming!

Daffodils are always the first to know!

Best Friends 

I was so impressed with this tower she made that I made her stand next to it to take a picture.  For some reason she had to have her game thing in there too???

Playing beauty shop

Bug Eye sillyness


Happy Baby

Ryder clapping

Rocking the helmet :)


Learning to build

Singing... all day every day.  I have my own little Troubadour.

I love her seriousness here

Happy Windsday!

More singing


Gazing out at the birds

Practicing gymnastics, guess she thought it was an oversized balance beam

Big Jump

Getting help from daddy

I love creeks, more so than ponds I have decided.
Where ever Josh and I decide to grow old will hopefully have one :)

Outside time

1 comment:

  1. Those kids are SO SWEET! And I'm super impressed at how your pictures really capture that. Rylee is growing up so fast. It's sad, but she is turning into a beautiful girl. I'm SO THANKFUL that Taylor has Rylee to look up to and that they are so close. IT seems like just yesterday Ryder was born. And now we will be celebrating his first birthday before we blink twice. Where does the time go?!? We love y'all so much!
