Sunday, November 21, 2010


In autumn when the trees are brown
The little leaves come tumbling down
They do not make the slightest sound
But lie so quietly on the ground
Until the wind comes puffing by
And blows them off towards the sky.
~John Muir

October and November have gone by so quickly.  Maybe it's the warm weather fooling a girl from Illinois but it seems like Thanksgiving and Christmas should be months away.  Rylee has been busy as usual.  So full of never ending energy and happiness.  A new trait that has developed over the past few months is a strong sense of independence.  She wants to do everything on her own and the words "I do it" don't stop coming.  Though she has learned so much, and can now do so much.  She has become a little girl.  Capable of helping me sort the socks, clean her room, go potty, and so many other various tasks.  She does ask for help when she still needs it, which is always a good reminder for me as well.  So the past few weeks we have had birthday party's, family coming to visit, school, a parade with Santa, and lots of outside fun.  She never wants to come inside and I love it.  She is perfectly content to wonder around our backyard picking up sticks and hiding behind trees, "1 2 3 come get me" is one of her new favorite games.  She will be such an amazing big sister and will give this new baby so much love and laughter. 

1 2 3 Come Get Me !

Is that Santa?

Mom's favorite part of the parade, donuts from Duchess and Berkeley Bob's coffee


Sweet sleeping angel