Monday, December 14, 2009

December is finally here and what a busy month it has been so far! We started off the month by taking Rylee to visit Santa. That did not go so well as you can see from the photo. Josh and I both thought it was pretty funny. Maybe we'll have a scrapbook full of screaming Santa photos!
Then we went to Maryville to see Jordan play his clairnet at his Christmas Concert. We laughed at ourselves for driving over 5 hours with Rylee (who was cutting a molar at the time) for about 40 minutes of music but it was definitely worth it! We are both amazed at how quickly Jordan is learning to play instruments (clarinet and piano) and how great he sounds! He definitely comes from a family full of musician's! We are looking forward to his spring concert at the end of the school year but this time we might stay overnight. I couldn't get a good picture of him playing though, they all turned out fuzzy b/c of the zooming. Hopefully he shows up good on the dvd! We also woke up to a dusting of snow covering the ground that stayed for the whole day! I was SOOOO excited about it, I just love how pretty snow can be when if first falls. I hate how cold it is in Illinois but I do miss the snow. I just can't imagine growing up as a child without going outside and playing in the snow for hours with your friends having snowball fights, making snow angels, making snow forts, and sledding. Then coming inside with frozen snow chunks in your hair, it taking 10 minutes to peel off all the layers of clothes you have on, and finally gaining feeling back in your nose! I'm happy we get some snow because I really want Rylee to be able to have those memories.
So after our big snowy day Rylee started saying 4 new words. Pear, tree, booboo, and shoe. She is trying to repeat things now all the time. It's amazing how all of a sudden something just clicks and now she has 4 new words. So far she can say:
Bubba (what she calls J.T.)

We also got our Christmas tree last week, Rylee loved it. We put the lights and decorations on while she was taking her nap and when it got dark out we turned it on and her jaw literally dropped. She's a big fan of the tree and all the presents under it. Between her and the cat I'll be lucky if there are any bows left on them on Christmas day. That's about all I can think of for now. Here are some random November pictures that I never put up b/c I am awful at blogging!